I found the silhouettes project very interesting. I had never worked with silhouettes before so it was new for me and a little difficult at first. I was not sure where to start so I just jumped into it. I did not use any characters I had previously created, so I had to start from scratch. At first I just created whatever came to my mind, but I later began drawing mostly strange and alien creatures.
Creating the silhouettes really helped me with how to best position a character to get the most out of one image working with the negative space around the character. I found it was best to draw most of the characters from a side or angled view. A front view just did not show enough or explain the character enough most of the time. I will definitely use silhouette work more in the future. It helps with the original creation of a character and to get a good idea of the space and scale before you have to work out any details. It also helps with the creative process before I am completely sure what it is I am trying to make.