Monday, February 21, 2011

Art 348, Storyboards

My movie storyboard is from Lord of the Rings. It is the opening part of when they fight the cave troll in the mountain.

This is a storyboard for a character I created.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Art353, MudBox, Female

I created a female template starting from the male template in MudBox.
I think it came out very well for my first time really using the program.

Art 348, Character combined with landscape

I combined my alien character with one of my landscapes. I think it came out well, but I may need to put more detail into the landscape to match the detail in the character.

Art 353, lighting and modeling scene

A scene i worked on to work with some modeling, spot lighting, and atmospheric lighting.

Art353 stuff

A top and a closed Jack In The Box i worked on

I used the Top I worked on to mess around with some lighting just to get a feel for the things I could do with it.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Art 348 Environment Design

I created this scene with my alien character in mind. I used a gray scale to keep it in the same style as the character. I combined depth with flat 2D designs to give the scene a kind of realism along with a cartoon like style.

This is a scene i tried to do based off of the video we watched in class. I tried to focus mainly on depth and not on object detail.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Art 351, Proj5, ActionScripting

Using my new Flash action scripting skillz I created a rough layout of a game I can flesh out more later. I'm still not sure what to name the game.

Here is the code for the program for anyone that is interested.

import flash.display.MovieClip;
public class SceneTest extends MovieClip
var scene1:Scene1;
var scene2:Scene2;
var scene3:Scene3;
var scene4:Scene4;
var scene5:Scene5;
public function SceneTest()
scene1 = new Scene1;
scene2 = new Scene2;
scene3 = new Scene3;
scene4 = new Scene4;
scene5 = new Scene5;
scene1.pButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onScene1ButClick);
scene2.but8.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onScene2ButClick);
scene3.nextStage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onScene3ButClick);
scene4.nextStage2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onScene4ButClick);
scene5.returnToStart.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onScene5ButClick);
// constructor code
function onScene1ButClick(event:MouseEvent):void
function onScene2ButClick(event:MouseEvent):void
function onScene3ButClick(event:MouseEvent):void
function onScene4ButClick(event:MouseEvent):void
function onScene5ButClick(event:MouseEvent):void

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Art 353, Proj3 Reflective Essay

Daniel Dociu

This image really appeals to me because of the very strong textures giving it a strong sense of depth. The texture also gives the image a very heavy and solid feel. The strong contrasts of depth and heaviness give the image an almost uneasy feeling that I really enjoy.

Art 351, Buttons

Reflective Essay:
Buttons are a way for someone or something to interact with something else. The something else usually being a type of machine or software. The sends information to something to tell it to do something else or to give a response. Some simple buttons may have a very simple design while others ma be more complex and in turn have a more complex design.

Some of the most memorable buttons to me are buttons from childhood toys. An excellent example is the Simon game. The game was nothing but 4 colorful buttons that would light up and ask you to repeat the pattern. The game was so simple and made of nothing but buttons but was so much fun. The buttons would give you different tones for if you got the pattern right or wrong, and i would grow to dread the evil sound of the buttons you got wrong.