Friday, June 4, 2010


I found the book project pretty fun. I did run into one problem though. I exported the pictures from my computer but some of my saved pictures did not save correctly so i had to re export each picture from my computers In Design which apparently has outdated text fonts so i was not able to use the fonts i had before, which i thought looked better, but these ones will still do nicely.

Friday, May 28, 2010

visual research

We've Got To Get To The Jamba Juice

A comic from Penny-Arcade. I really enjoy the artistic style of the penny-arcade comics. It's really cartoony, fun and really expressive. They also cover things i am really interested in in their comics, like video games in this comic.

Self Work

My final work for my photography class. It is a narrative piece involving me and my dog. It's read top to bottom.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Self Work

Just a little drawing i was doing. I don't really think the topknot fits, but i think it looks funny so i kept it. I think i need to make the chest plate a little larger too.

Movie Poster 2 (Panda-Monium)

Movie Poster 1 (Hotel of the Dead)

Friday, April 30, 2010

A picture i took in Medford of the chess playing statue.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Two huge golden pillars in space. A new photo from Hubble. It is such an amazing picture. Pictures like this make me think about life and how minuscule we all are compared to the big picture of the universe.

Thursday, April 22, 2010


The space shuttle Discovery docked with the International Space Station float in the dark abyss. It's interesting how something so empty can be so amazing. I always enjoy looking at Nasa pictures. I get a lot of inspiration from them and you can't find pictures like them from anywhere else.


I was taking some pictures around campus and saw these trees and thought they looked cool. All the fallen petals look really nice.

Pencil in grey scale

I'm still learning how to draw in Photoshop so i thought i would try something simple starting from scratch.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

These are models of characters for a computer game called League of Legends. A job I would love to get would be an artist and modeler for a video game and I love the art style in this game. It has a really cartoony feel to it. The characters have a fun and yet serious feel. You can also get a good sense of the attitude of the characters even though one of them is covered in armor from head to toe. Video games are something I'm very passionate about, especially the artistic side. I especially like the image of the little girl character. She looks so pissed, but what is she so pissed off about? Did someone try to steal her teddy?

Some pictures I took of the creek near the RCC in Medford. I liked the area so I thought I would take some pictures of it. As I got closer I noticed the trash in the creek. It's sad to think some people just throw garbage into a nice creek like this.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Alphabet Soup. There's an O, L, X, M, and P.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

People fighting each other on the streets. The man in the center of the photo looks to be some kind of riot policeman. You can only see a small portion of the policeman's face, but you only need to see that small amount to seethe fear and anger in his eyes. The image gives very little information and leaves you wondering why they are fighting and with whom.
Just some funny faces I drew when I was bored during a class.

A picture of my dad being his crazy self. The picture pretty much says it all.

I thought it would be interesting to take a picture of one of the SOU teachers for my picturing the other. He was still a stranger to me and I thought it would be interesting to take a picture of a teacher as I am a student being taught by them. He is Dr. John Richards. He is a very interesting and funny person.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Messing around on photoshop a little.

Friday, April 2, 2010

A picture of the Llullaillaco Volcano taken from the International Space Station. A beautiful picture of the volcano and the landscape surrounding it. A huge volcanic feature emits from the volcano forming a very interesting shape. It looks like some kind of winged form flying from the volcano.

I love pictures of Earth taken from space. There is so much beautiful and interesting things on the planet, but to fully experience some of them, you have to see them from off the planet. Something only a small hand full of people are able to experience personally. I envy them.
This is a picture of the Rogue River right by my house. One of my favorite things about where I live is the scenery. I use this area as a lot of inspiration for my art classes. Of course there is always a downside to everything. Living in a little town like Shady Cove can really stink some times, but the grass always looks greener on the other side doesn't it.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010